Half of the city will be shut down, and the route timetable will be altered. Due to Eid al-Adha, some streets in Moscow will be closed.

 We tell where it will not be possible to pass.

Half of the city will be shut down, and the route timetable will be altered. Due to Eid al-Adha, some streets in Moscow will be closed.
Half of the city will be shut down, and the route timetable will be altered. Due to Eid al-Adha, some streets in Moscow will be closed.

On Wednesday, June 28, Muslims will observe Eid al-Adha, one of the most important Islamic holidays. In this regard, urban transit will change, and certain routes will be closed. The metropolitan deptrans has reported it.

Trams will not run between Kalanchevskaya Street and Belorussky Railway Station from 20:00 on June 27 until midday on June 28.

Trams will run on the new routes for the time being:

7 - from the metro station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" to Kalanchevskaya street;

 9 - does not operate; 

50 - from the "Compressor" recreation centre (metro station "Aviamotornaya") to Kalanchevskaya street. Take the metro or bus c510, which will be extended to the Novoslobodskaya metro station.

Restrictions will be in effect from June 27. From 23:35 until the end of the event on June 28, buses towards Kutuzovsky Prospekt will not go through the Minskaya metro station.

  • e29 will be shortened to the Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro station;
  • 103, 130, 260, 464 and 470 after the stop "Mosfilmovskaya street" in the direction of Filey will go through the Kiev railway station;
  • 260 after the stop "Mosfilmovskaya street" in the direction of Matveevsky will go through the Kyiv railway station and Romain Rolland Square;
  • p209 in the direction of Matveevsky will go through the Kyiv railway station and Romain Rolland Square with a drawn-out U-turn on Vorobyovskoye Highway.

In the opposite direction, the routes do not change.

Restrictions in Otradnoye will be in effect from June 28, from 4:00 until the end of the event, routes on Khachaturyan Street will be changed.

  • c6 instead of Khachaturyan and Kargopolskaya streets will go along Dekabristov street to Bestuzhevyh street, as usual;
  • 98 towards MCD Lianozovo will go along Dekabristov street instead of Khachaturyan street;
  • 803 instead of Khachaturian street will go along Altufevskoe highway and Dekabristov street;
  • the night route n9 will not call at the Otradnoye metro station.
  • Stops "New Jerusalem", "Sannikov Street" (on Khachaturyan Street), "Kargopolskaya Street", "Children's Clinic" and "Pension Fund" will not work.

#roadwillbeblock #overlapping #eiduledha #eid2023  #coverinthecenter #Eidprayer #roadblock #moscow #russia #eidaladha2023


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